We're the New Kid on the Publishing Block
Hello and Welcome! I'm the resident author and Chief Flunky around here. My name is Mitch White, but you can call me by my first name: Doctor.
Yep, that joke still doesn't work.
During 2025, White Jade Books plans to publish several volumes by independent voices who pen unique stories from the fields of science fiction, fantasy, cozy and other mysteries, and action-adventure. As volumes near completion they will feature on the Spotlight page here, and then move to the Bookstore or to other release channels as appropriate to meet the needs of the author and White Jade. As the year progresses, we plan to add support information, publishing services, and perhaps a Members Only area.
Growth in any new endeavor never follows a linear plan, of course. I know, I've done several over my career, including a self-publishing firm more than three decades ago (which I sold after three years; that's a different story). Helmuth von Moltke may have said it best: "No plan survives first contact with the enemy." I'm sure he stole, er, borrowed it from some Roman general. How does this affect White Jade Books? A plan is a detailed wish list with a (hopeful) time line. As parts of the business gain viability, opportunities may dictate changing the timing, or the activities, that we can achieve. As an Indie Author myself, there will be times when I'll hide in the creative cave and pound out words. Long days at the keys may mean some business tasks will wait.
I approach my fiction as an adventure to be savored, relished when possible, endured when not. White Jade Books will be an adventure with the same potential for delight by all who participate.
Bookmark this page and visit when you can. Stay safe, love the ones you're with, and Enjoy!
P.S. Below is a panorama envisioned from "End in a Dead Heat." I hope you like it! M

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